March 21, 2021
Business Visa

How To Get Vietnam Business Visa for Russian Citizens during the Covid-19 Period?

To protect its citizens from the rapid spread of the deadly Covid-19 virus, Vietnam has been quick enough to close its borders when the pandemic started last year. After several months, the Vietnamese government decided to open its borders again to help its economy to recover. They started by allowing visitors who have essential reasons to visit the country, such as foreign investors and businessmen. So for Russian citizens who wish to visit Vietnam during this Covid-19 pandemic, you should now start applying for your business visa to Vietnam. Having a business visa is the only way you can enter Vietnam these days.

Changes to Vietnam Visas Due to Covid-19

To control the number of visitors that can enter Vietnam these days, the Vietnamese authorities have suspended visa-free privileges. Before the pandemic, Russians are among the foreigners that can enter Vietnam visa-free for as long as their stay is not more than 15 days. But this will not be applicable during this time of the pandemic.

The only way that Russian citizens can enter these days is to apply for a business visa. This visa can be applied by their sponsor company or the company that invited them to Vietnam. Russians who are foreign workers to Vietnam can ask their employer to be their sponsor and apply for the visa on their behalf.

Who Can Enter Vietnam During the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Vietnam decided to open its borders in November 2020 in order to allow the entry of foreigners who can help with the country’s economic recovery. But since the virus is still spreading very fast in various countries worldwide, the Vietnam government does not want to take chances. To ensure that the country remains safe from the virus, they will limit the entry of foreigners. For now, they will only allow the following visitors to enter:

  • Foreign entrepreneurs and investors
  • Diplomats
  • Skilled workers and experts on essential projects in Vietnam
  • Visitors on official duty
  • Special caseworkers

Vietnam Business Visa Requirements for Russian Citizens during the Covid-19 Pandemic

When applying for a business visa to Vietnam, you will need the following:

  • Vietnamese sponsor company.
  • Letter to the Local People’s Committee to ask permission for your visit.
  • Confirmed booking from the hotels designated for quarantine facilities for your 14-day quarantine in Vietnam.
  • A pre-booked vehicle that will pick you up from the airport and take you to your hotel.

Process of Applying for a Vietnam Business Visa this Covid-19 Pandemic

Below is the process of applying for a business visa to Vietnam.

  1. First, your Vietnamese sponsor company should send a letter about your visit to the Local People’s Committee of the city where you plan on visiting. For instance, if you are going to Ho Chi Minh, then the letter should be addressed to the Local People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.
  2. When your visit is approved, the Local People’s Committee will issue a travel permit. This is a very important requirement needed for the application for your business visa. Your sponsor company must submit this to the Vietnam Immigration Department for your business visa to be processed.
  3. When the visa is approved, your sponsor company must send you the visa copy so you can start booking your flight to Vietnam.

Covid-19 Test and Quarantine Requirements for Russian Citizens To Enter Vietnam

To ensure that all foreigners entering Vietnam is not carrying the virus, the Vietnamese authorities would require them to present a negative result of a Covid-19 test. The test should be conducted at a WHO-certified laboratory in Russia and must be done at least 3 to 5 days before the date of entry to Vietnam. It should clearly state that the visitor is negative of the Covid-19 virus.

Upon arriving in Vietnam, all foreign visitors will be required to go on a 14-day quarantine. Therefore, one of the requirements for entry to Vietnam these days is a confirmed booking from one of the hotels that have been designated as a quarantine facility by the government. The confirmed booking should be good for 14 days. Furthermore, it must also include a pre-booked vehicle that will pick up the visitor from the airport going to the hotel for quarantine. That’s foreign visitors are prohibited from taking public transportation if they have not undergone the quarantine yet.

While on quarantine, the foreign visitor will be tested twice for the Covid-19 virus. The first test will be done on the sixth day of quarantine. Another test will be conducted on the last day of quarantine. Only when both results are negative will the visitor be allowed to roam freely.

All foreign visitors are also required to have travel insurance that can cover the cost of treatment in case they get sick of Covid-19 while in Vietnam. If the visitor cannot provide proof of insurance, their sponsor company should agree to cover the cost if they get sick while in Vietnam.


The process for obtaining an e-visa for Russian is very easy, and simple at the same time. There will be no complications involved nor you will be piled up with massive paperwork.

Given below are the requirements for Russian Citizens, which are important for all individuals if they are planning to make their stay for a period of 30 days (other than 15-days exemption) in the process. Make sure that you sill the form before 7 days of your arrival into the country.

What is Vietnam e-Visa? Vietnam e-visa for Russians is an online visa approval process that allows them to legally enter Vietnam. Payment and delivery of the visa is done completely online, and probably takes 3 working days.

The Russian passport holders do not have to apply for a visa every time they visit to Vietnam if stay less than 15 days. The obligation to obtain a visa depends upon the length of their stay and the number of times they want to take round trips.

If you decided to apply for your visa under Vietnam E-Visa for Russian, you have these requirements before you start applying for your visa. Your passport should have at least six-month validity.

nce you have finished filling up the form, you can pay for the Vietnam e-visa for Russian. You can pay via your debit/credit card or you can choose to pay with your PayPal account.

If you have all of your documents ready, you can visit the official website of Vietnam government and start filling out the form for Vietnam e-visa for Russian citizen. Here’s the official website of the Immigration Department of Vietnam for e-visa : https://xuatnhapcanh.

If you are a Russian citizen applying for the Vietnam e-visa for Russian, you will need the following documents. Keep your documents ready near your hand’s reach as you have to provide important details in the e-visa application pertaining to them.