February 24, 2021
Covid 19

Quang Binh CDC

Center for Disease Control of Quang Binh Province (Quang Binh CDC)

  • Address : 164 Bà Triệu street, Đồng Phú ward, Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh Province.
  • Phone : 0232.3889.993
  • Email: khoattgdsk.cdcqb@gmail.com
  • Website: http://cdcquangbinh.gov.vn
  • Map : https://goo.gl/maps/Ty1dLtJTmppZ98BCA

TAGS Quang Binh

Here’s below the location in Quang Binh for COVID-19 Testing. The following COVID-19 Testing location is officially pointed by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.

Here is the list of hotels in Quang Binh Province that have decided to welcome guests to enter Vietnam for business trip during Covid-19 period. Who Can Enter Vietnam In This Covid 19 Season? 1.