November 23, 2023
Vietnam e-visa

Vietnam e-Visa for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens: Tips for Successful Application

Applying for a Vietnam e-visa can be a daunting process, especially for Guinea-Bissauan citizens. With the government’s evaluation criteria and the uncertainty of approval, it’s essential to understand the steps to increase your chances of success. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips to enhance the success rate of your e-visa application. Additionally, we will explore hassle-free options for obtaining an e-visa to Vietnam and discuss how to secure an urgent visa if time is of the essence.

Vietnam Visa Requirement for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens

Guinea-Bissauan citizens are not exempted from obtaining a visa when traveling to Vietnam. This means that if you hold a Guinea-Bissauan passport, you will need to apply for a visa before your departure. But don’t worry, the process is relatively simple and hassle-free.

Vietnam E-Visa for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens

The Vietnamese government has introduced the Vietnam e-Visa system to facilitate travel for visitors from all countries and territories, including Guinea-Bissau. The e-Visa allows you to stay in Vietnam for up to 90 days with single or multiple entries, depending on your preference.

To apply for a Vietnam e-Visa, you can conveniently complete the process online. This means no more long queues at the embassy or waiting for days to receive your visa. With just a few clicks, you can have your e-Visa approved and ready for your journey.

Benefits of Vietnam E-Visa for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens

The Vietnam e-Visa offers numerous benefits for Guinea-Bissauan citizens, making it an ideal choice for your travel needs. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Convenience: With the e-Visa, you can enter and exit Vietnam through 13 airports, 16 land border gates, and 13 sea border gates. This allows you to choose the most convenient point of entry and exit based on your travel plans.
  2. Cost-effective: Applying for a Vietnam e-Visa is a cost-effective option compared to traditional visa methods. You can save money on embassy fees, courier charges, and other administrative costs associated with the traditional visa application.
  3. Time-saving: The online application process for the e-Visa is quick and efficient. You can complete the entire process within minutes, avoiding lengthy paperwork and waiting times.
  4. Transparency: The e-Visa system ensures transparency in the application process. You can track the status of your application online and receive updates on the progress. This transparency gives you peace of mind and eliminates any uncertainties.
  5. Flexibility: The Vietnam e-Visa allows you to choose between single or multiple entries. This flexibility enables you to explore different regions within Vietnam or make quick trips to neighboring countries and return without any hassle.

How Much Does It Cost for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens to Get an E-Visa to Vietnam?

The Vietnam e-visa fees for Guinea-Bissauan citizens vary depending on the type of visa and its validity. Here is a breakdown of the current fees based on the official government website:

  1. Single-Entry E-Visa (valid for up to 30 days): US$25
  2. Multiple-Entry E-Visa (valid for up to 30 days): US$50
  3. Single-Entry E-Visa (valid for up to 90 days): US$25
  4. Multiple-Entry E-Visa (valid for up to 90 days): US$50

It’s important to note that these fees are subject to change. Therefore, we highly recommend verifying the current rates on the government website before submitting your application.

Understanding Single-Entry and Multiple Entries

Now, let’s delve deeper into what single-entry and multiple-entry e-visas mean:

  1. Single-Entry E-Visa: With a single-entry e-visa, you can enter Vietnam only once during the specified validity period. Once you exit the country, the visa becomes invalid.
  2. Multiple-Entry E-Visa: A multiple-entry e-visa allows you to enter and exit Vietnam multiple times within the validity period. This type of visa is ideal for travelers who plan to visit neighboring countries and return to Vietnam without applying for a new visa each time.

It’s important to carefully consider your travel plans and choose the type of visa that best suits your needs.

Refund Policy for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens if E-Visa Application is Denied

When applying for an e-visa to Vietnam, it’s crucial to be aware of the refund policy, especially if your application is denied. Unfortunately, the Vietnam e-visa fees are non-refundable in any case. This means that if your application is rejected, you will not be eligible for a refund.

To avoid any potential issues or disappointments, we recommend thoroughly reviewing the visa requirements and ensuring that your application is complete and accurate. If you have any doubts or concerns, it may be helpful to consult with a reputable travel agency or contact the Vietnam embassy in your country for further guidance.

Vietnam e-Visa for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens: Government Website vs. Reputable Agencies

When it comes to applying for a Vietnam e-Visa, Guinea-Bissauan citizens have two options: applying through the government website or seeking the services of a reputable agency. We will explore the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision. Read on to find out which route is best suited for your needs.

Government Website:

  1. Lower Fee: The government website offers a lower fee for the Vietnam e-Visa application. This can be an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers who prefer to handle the process independently.
  2. Do-It-Yourself Approach: Applying through the government website means you will be responsible for filling out the application form and ensuring all the necessary documents are submitted correctly.
  3. Lack of Support: While the government website provides a cost-effective solution, it does not offer any support. If you encounter any issues or have questions about the application process, you will need to rely on your own resources.

Reputable Agencies:

  1. Professional Assistance: Reputable agencies charge higher fees but provide valuable assistance throughout the e-Visa application process. Their experienced staff will carefully handle your application, increasing the chances of approval and ensuring it is delivered to you on time.
  2. Prompt Online Support: One of the major advantages of using a reputable agency is the availability of online support. If you have any questions or concerns, their customer service team will be readily available to assist you.
  3. Additional Services: Reputable agencies often offer additional services to enhance your travel experience. These may include expedited immigration clearance, assistance in obtaining a visa urgently, airport pickup facilities, and more.

Making the Right Choice:

Choosing between the government website and reputable agencies ultimately depends on your preferences and requirements.

  • If you are confident in your ability to navigate the application process independently and are on a tight budget, the government website may be the right choice for you.
  • However, if you value convenience, peace of mind, and professional assistance, opting for a reputable agency is recommended.

Processing Time for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens

The processing time for Vietnam e-visas typically ranges from 3 to 5 working days. However, it’s important to note that during peak seasons, it may take longer. To ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience, it is advisable to apply for your e-visa well in advance of your planned travel dates.

National Holidays in Vietnam to Note

When applying for your e-visa, it’s essential to be aware of the national holidays observed in Vietnam. The Immigration of Vietnam, responsible for processing e-visa applications, does not operate on Saturdays, Sundays, Traditional Day of Vietnam People’s Public Security Force (August 19), and national holidays. The national holidays in Vietnam are as follows:

  1. New Year’s Day (January 01)
  2. Tet Holiday (date varies based on the lunar calendar)
  3. Hung Kings Commemoration Day (date varies based on the lunar calendar)
  4. Reunification Day (April 30)
  5. Labor Day (May 01)
  6. National Day (September 02)

During these holidays, the processing of e-visa applications will be put on hold, and it’s important to take this into account while planning your travel to Vietnam.

What Guinea-Bissauan Citizens Should Prepare to Apply for a Vietnam e-Visa

Before you begin the application process, make sure you have the following documents and information ready:

  1. Valid Passport: Your Guinea-Bissauan passport should have a minimum validity of 6 months from your planned entry date into Vietnam. Additionally, you must have at least 2 blank pages in your passport for visa stamping.
  2. Personal Information: You’ll need to provide personal details, including your full name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, passport number, and nationality. Ensure that the information matches the details on your passport.
  3. Valid Email Address: A valid email address is crucial for communication regarding your e-visa application. Make sure to provide an email address that you regularly check.
  4. Valid Credit/Debit Card: You’ll need a valid credit or debit card to make the payment for your Vietnam e-visa application. Ensure that your card is internationally enabled.
  5. Temporary Address within Vietnam: It is mandatory to provide a temporary address in Vietnam, such as the hotel or accommodation where you plan to stay during your visit. Make sure to have this information handy.
  6. Purpose of Visit, Entry and Exit Dates: Clearly state the purpose of your visit to Vietnam, whether it’s for tourism, business, or other reasons. Additionally, provide your intended entry and exit dates along with the airports or border checkpoints you plan to use.
  7. Current Occupation: Include details of your current occupation, including the name and address of your company, as well as the phone number. This information helps establish your ties to your home country and ensures a smooth application process.

Now that you have all the necessary information ready, let’s move on to the application process itself.

What do Guinea-Bissauan citizens need to upload for the Vietnam e-visa application?

When applying for a Vietnam e-visa, Guinea-Bissauan citizens are required to upload two essential documents – a recent portrait photo and a scanned copy of the passport data page. Let’s take a closer look at each requirement.

Requirements for the scanned copy of the passport data page

To ensure a smooth application process, it is crucial to provide a scanned copy of your passport data page that meets the necessary requirements. Here are the details you need to keep in mind:

  1. Full page inclusion: The scanned copy should include the entire passport page, including the photo, personal details, and ICAO lines.
  2. Clarity and legibility: Make sure the scanned copy is clear and legible, with all text and details easily readable.
  3. File format: The scanned copy should be in PDF format for easy uploading and compatibility.

By adhering to these requirements, you can avoid any delays or complications in your Vietnam e-visa application process.

Requirements for the portrait photo

In addition to the scanned copy of the passport data page, Guinea-Bissauan citizens must also upload a recent portrait photo. Here are the specific requirements for the portrait photo:

  1. Size: The photo should be passport-sized, with dimensions of 4x6cm.
  2. Orientation: The applicant should be facing the camera directly, with a neutral facial expression.
  3. Glasses: It is advised not to wear glasses in the photo to ensure clarity and visibility.

By following these guidelines, you can provide a suitable portrait photo that meets the requirements for your Vietnam e-visa application.

How to Apply for a Vietnam e-Visa for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens

Applying for a Vietnam e-visa is a straightforward and convenient process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through it:

  1. Access the Official Website: Visit the official website of the Vietnam government’s e-visa application portal.
  2. Select Guinea-Bissau as your Nationality: Choose Guinea-Bissau as your nationality from the provided list of countries.
  3. Complete the Application Form: Fill in all the required personal information, including your full name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, passport number, and nationality. Double-check the accuracy of the information before proceeding.
  4. Provide Contact Details: Enter your valid email address, which will be used for communication regarding your e-visa application. Make sure to provide an email address that you regularly check.
  5. Submit Supporting Documents: Upload scanned copies of your passport’s information page and a recent passport-sized photograph. Ensure that these documents are clear and legible.
  6. Provide Travel Details: Specify the purpose of your visit, your planned entry and exit dates, as well as the airports or border checkpoints you intend to use for entry and exit.
  7. Enter Occupation Details: Fill in your current occupation, including the name and address of your company, as well as the phone number. This information helps establish your ties to your home country.
  8. Review and Make Payment: Carefully review all the information you’ve provided, ensuring its accuracy. Once satisfied, proceed to make the payment for your Vietnam e-visa using your valid credit or debit card.
  9. Receive and Print Your e-Visa: After successful payment, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your e-visa attached. Print out a copy of your e-visa to carry with you during your trip to Vietnam.
  10. Entry and Exit Process: Upon arrival in Vietnam, present your printed e-visa, along with your passport, to the immigration officer. They will verify your documents and stamp your passport, granting you entry into the country. Ensure that you exit Vietnam before your e-visa expires to avoid any complications.

How do Guinea-Bissauan citizens check their e-visa status?

Once you have submitted your Vietnam e-visa application, you may be curious to know the status of your application. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to check your e-visa status:

  1. Visit the official website of the Vietnam Immigration Department.
  2. Look for the “Check Application Status” section on the website.
  3. Enter the required details, such as your application reference number and your date of birth.
  4. Click on the “Check Status” button to retrieve your e-visa application status.

By following these simple steps, you can easily track the progress of your Vietnam e-visa application and stay informed about its status.

Tips for Increasing the Success Rate of E-Visa Applications

When it comes to applying for a Vietnam e-visa as a Guinea-Bissauan citizen, there are certain measures you can take to improve your chances of approval. Consider the following tips to ensure a smooth application process:

  1. Thoroughly review and complete the application form: Carefully go through the application form and provide accurate information. Any discrepancies or incomplete sections may lead to rejection.
  2. Upload the required documents correctly: Ensure that all the necessary documents are uploaded in the specified format and size. Double-check for any errors or omissions before submitting.
  3. Pay attention to the photo requirements: Follow the guidelines for passport-sized photos, including the correct background color, dimensions, and facial expression. A properly formatted photo can significantly impact the success of your application.
  4. Submit your application well in advance: Avoid last-minute submissions to allow ample time for processing and potential revisions if required. Submitting your application ahead of time reduces unnecessary stress and increases your chances of approval.
  5. Work with a reputable agency: If you want to avoid potential frustration, unfamiliarity with the process, or uncertainty about the success rate, consider hiring a trusted agency. Agencies in Vietnam are well-versed in local rules and regulations, ensuring a hassle-free experience with a high success rate of 99.9%.

Hassle-free E-Visa Solutions for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens

If you prefer a hassle-free and guaranteed approval process, hiring an agency is an excellent option. These agencies specialize in assisting applicants with their e-visa applications, providing the following benefits:

  1. Simple form and easy document upload: Agencies streamline the application process, simplifying complex forms and guiding you through the required documents. This ensures that you provide accurate information and submit the necessary documents in the correct format.
  2. Friendly support and guidance: The agencies’ friendly and knowledgeable support teams are readily available to address any queries or concerns you may have. They guide you through the entire process, offering personalized assistance and peace of mind.
  3. 99.9% success rate: With their expertise and understanding of the government’s evaluation criteria, agencies have an impressive success rate. By leveraging their local knowledge and experience, they can significantly increase the chances of your e-visa application’s approval.

Getting an Urgent Visa to Vietnam for Guinea-Bissauan Citizens

In some cases, you may require an urgent visa to Vietnam, and agencies can help expedite the process. Depending on your timeframe, there are several options available:

  • Same-day visa: If you need your e-visa on the same day, agencies can facilitate the process to ensure you receive it promptly. They work closely with the relevant authorities to expedite the approval and provide you with the necessary documents within a short timeframe.
  • 4-hour visa: For a slightly less urgent situation, agencies can assist you in obtaining your e-visa within four hours. This option provides a balance between urgency and processing time, ensuring you receive your visa promptly.
  • 2-hour visa: In the most time-sensitive cases, agencies can expedite the process even further, securing your e-visa within two hours. This option is ideal for urgent travel plans that require immediate visa approval.

By leveraging the expertise of agencies, Guinea-Bissauan citizens can navigate the complexities of the e-visa application process with ease. Whether you choose to enhance your success rate or require an urgent visa, their services cater to your specific needs.

Checklist after Receiving E-Visa Approval

Once you have received your Vietnam e-visa approval, it is crucial to take a few additional steps to ensure a seamless journey:

  1. Double-Check Your E-Visa: Carefully review your e-visa to ensure there are no errors or mistakes. Any discrepancies can lead to complications upon arrival in Vietnam. It is recommended to cross-check all the information, including your name, passport number, and validity dates.
  2. Print a Copy of Your E-Visa: It is mandatory to have a printed copy of your e-visa with you when you arrive in Vietnam. The immigration authorities will require you to present this document, along with your passport, at the port of entry. Make sure to keep it in a safe place with your travel documents.
  3. Familiarize Yourself with Entry Requirements: Before departing for Vietnam, it’s important to understand the entry requirements applicable to Guinea-Bissauan citizens. Ensure that your passport has a minimum validity of six months from the date of entry and that you have a return or onward ticket.
  4. Plan Your Itinerary: Take some time to plan your itinerary and research the attractions and destinations you wish to explore in Vietnam. Whether you’re drawn to the bustling streets of Hanoi, the majestic landscapes of Ha Long Bay, or the vibrant city life of Ho Chi Minh City, having a well-thought-out plan will enhance your travel experience.
  5. Arrange Accommodations and Transportation: Once you have an idea of your travel itinerary, it’s advisable to book your accommodations and transportation in advance. This will help you secure the best deals and ensure a smooth journey from the moment you arrive in Vietnam.


Applying for a Vietnam e-visa as a Guinea-Bissauan citizen may seem challenging, but by following the tips outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of success. Additionally, hiring an agency ensures a hassle-free experience with a high success rate, providing you with the support and guidance needed throughout the application process.

Remember, if time is of the essence, agencies offer urgent visa services, including same-day, 4-hour, and 2-hour options. These expedited services ensure that you can obtain your e-visa promptly and without unnecessary stress.

So, whether you choose to navigate the application process independently or opt for the expertise of an agency, rest assured that securing your Vietnam e-visa as a Guinea-Bissauan citizen.