November 23, 2023
Vietnam e-visa

Vietnam E-Visa for Guinée Citizens: Tips for Success and Hassle-Free Experience

If you’re a Guinée citizen planning to visit Vietnam, you may be considering applying for an e-visa. The convenience of obtaining a visa online is undeniable, but it’s crucial to understand that not all applications are approved. The Vietnamese government evaluates each application based on its own set of rules. To avoid potential frustration or uncertainty, consider hiring an agency for a hassle-free experience with a 99.9% successful rate. In this article, we’ll explore what Guinée citizens can do to increase their e-visa application success rate, how to obtain a hassle-free e-visa, and how to get an urgent visa when time is of the essence.

Are Guinée Citizens Exempted from Vietnam Visa?

No, Guinée citizens are not exempted from Vietnam visa requirements. If you are planning to visit Vietnam, it is mandatory for Guinée citizens to apply for a visa before departing from your home country. This ensures a hassle-free entry into Vietnam and avoids any unnecessary complications upon arrival.

Vietnam E-Visa Eligibility for Guinée Citizens

The good news is that Guinée citizens are eligible to apply for a Vietnam e-visa. The Vietnam e-visa is a convenient and efficient way to obtain your visa online without the need for visiting an embassy or consulate. As per the government resolution number 127/NQ-CP, the Vietnam e-visa is available to passport holders of all countries and territories, including Guinée.

Benefits of Vietnam E-Visa for Guinée Citizens

  1. Online Application: One of the key benefits of the Vietnam e-visa is the ability to apply online. This saves you time and effort as you can complete the application process from the comfort of your own home or office. No more standing in long queues at embassies or mailing your documents.
  2. Convenient Entry and Exit Points: The Vietnam e-visa allows you to enter and exit the country through 13 airports, 16 land border gates, and 13 sea border gates. This means you have multiple options for your travel itinerary and can choose the most convenient entry and exit points based on your plans.
  3. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional visa application methods, the Vietnam e-visa is a cost-effective option. It eliminates the need for expensive courier services or travel agents, saving you money in the process.
  4. Time-Saving: With the Vietnam e-visa, you can save valuable time by avoiding embassy visits and lengthy visa processing times. The online application process is quick and straightforward, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
  5. Transparency: The Vietnam e-visa process is transparent and easy to understand. The application requirements and fees are clearly outlined, ensuring there are no surprises along the way.
  6. Flexibility: The Vietnam e-visa allows for both single and multiple entries, with a maximum validity of 90 days. This provides flexibility for Guinée citizens who wish to explore Vietnam for an extended period or make multiple trips within the allowed timeframe.

How Much Does it Cost for Guinée Citizens to Get an E-Visa to Vietnam?

The fees for the Vietnam e-visa vary depending on the type of visa and the duration of stay. Here is a breakdown of the current fees for Guinée citizens:

  1. Single-entry E-Visa (up to 30 days): The fee for a single-entry e-visa is US$25. This visa allows you to enter Vietnam once and stay for a maximum of 30 days.
  2. Multiple-entry E-Visa (up to 30 days): If you plan to enter and exit Vietnam multiple times within a 30-day period, the fee for a multiple-entry e-visa is US$50.
  3. Single-entry E-Visa (up to 90 days): If you wish to stay in Vietnam for a longer period, you can opt for a single-entry e-visa valid for up to 90 days. The fee for this visa is also US$25.
  4. Multiple-entry E-Visa (up to 90 days): For Guinée citizens who require multiple entries and an extended stay of up to 90 days, the fee for a multiple-entry e-visa is US$50.

Please note that these fees are subject to change, so it’s always advisable to verify the current rates before submitting your application. The fees for the Vietnam e-visa application from the government website are non-refundable in any case.

Understanding Single-Entry and Multiple Entries

It’s important to understand the difference between a single-entry e-visa and a multiple-entry e-visa before applying for your Vietnam e-visa.

Single-entry e-visa: A single-entry e-visa allows you to enter Vietnam only once. Once you exit the country, the visa becomes invalid, and you will need to apply for a new visa if you plan to re-enter Vietnam.

Multiple-entry e-visa: A multiple-entry e-visa, on the other hand, allows you to enter and exit Vietnam multiple times within the validity period of your visa. This is ideal if you plan to visit neighboring countries and return to Vietnam during your trip.

When applying for your e-visa, consider your travel plans and the number of times you intend to enter and exit Vietnam. Choosing the right type of visa will ensure a hassle-free travel experience.

Refund Policy for Guinée Citizens

It’s important to note that the Vietnam e-visa fees are non-refundable in any case. If your e-visa application is denied, you will not be able to claim a refund for the fees paid. Therefore, it’s crucial to double-check all the requirements and ensure that your application is accurate and complete before submission.

To avoid any delays or complications, carefully review your application, provide all the necessary documents, and ensure that the information you provide is accurate. This will increase your chances of a successful visa application and minimize the risk of denial.

Vietnam e-Visa for Guinée: Government Website vs. Reputable Agencies – Which One to Choose?

Obtaining a Vietnam e-Visa for Guinée citizens has become an essential part of planning a trip to this beautiful Southeast Asian country. While you have the option to apply through the government website or seek assistance from reputable agencies, it’s crucial to understand the pros and cons of each approach. We’ll explore the differences between the two and help you make an informed decision.

Government Website:

  1. Affordability: The government website offers e-visa services at a lower fee compared to reputable agencies. This option is ideal for budget-conscious travelers who are confident in navigating the application process independently.
  2. DIY Approach: Applying through the government website requires you to complete the application on your own. While this may be a straightforward process for some, it’s important to note that you won’t have access to immediate support if you encounter any issues or have questions.
  3. Time and Effort: Be prepared to invest some time and effort into filling out the application correctly. Any mistakes or omissions could lead to delays or rejection of your e-Visa application.

Reputable Agencies:

  1. Professional Assistance: Reputable agencies specialize in handling e-Visa applications and have extensive experience in ensuring their approval. They take care of the entire process on your behalf, providing you with peace of mind and saving you valuable time.
  2. Prompt Support: One of the significant advantages of choosing a reputable agency is the availability of prompt online support. They have dedicated customer service teams ready to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have during the application process.
  3. Additional Services: Reputable agencies offer a range of additional services that can enhance your travel experience. These may include speeding up immigration clearance, assistance in obtaining a visa urgently if you have a last-minute trip, or even airport pickup services to make your arrival hassle-free.

Choosing the Right Option:

  1. Budget and Self-Sufficiency: If you are confident in your ability to complete the e-Visa application independently and have a limited budget, the government website may be the right choice for you.
  2. Convenience and Peace of Mind: On the other hand, if you prefer professional assistance, want to save time, and enjoy the convenience of immediate support, opting for a reputable agency is highly recommended.
  3. Consider Your Needs: Additionally, take into account any specific requirements you may have, such as urgent visa processing, airport pickup, or assistance with immigration clearance. Reputable agencies offer tailored services to cater to these needs.

How long does it take for Guinée citizens to get e-visa approval?

The processing time for Vietnam e-visas is generally 3-5 working days. However, during peak seasons, it may take a bit longer. It’s important to plan your trip well in advance to avoid any last-minute delays. To ensure a smooth application process, we recommend applying for your e-visa at least one week before your intended travel date.

National holidays in Vietnam to note for Guinée citizens

When applying for your Vietnam e-visa, it’s crucial to be aware of the national holidays in Vietnam. The Immigration of Vietnam, responsible for processing e-visa applications, does not operate on Saturdays, Sundays, Traditional Day of Vietnam People’s Public Security Force (August 19), and national holidays. Here is a list of the national holidays you should note:

  1. New Year’s Day (Jan 01)
  2. Tet Holiday
  3. Hung Kings Commemoration Day
  4. Reunification Day (Apr 30)
  5. Labor Day (May 01)
  6. National Day (Sep 02)

During these holidays, the processing of e-visas may be delayed, so it’s essential to plan accordingly and allow extra time for your application to be processed.

What Guinée Citizens Should Prepare to Apply for a Vietnam E-Visa

Before you begin the application process, make sure you have the following documents and information ready:

  1. Valid Passport: Ensure that your passport has at least 6 months of validity from the date of entry into Vietnam. It should also have at least two blank pages for visa stamping.
  2. Personal Information: Prepare your full name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, passport number, and nationality. Make sure to double-check the accuracy of the information provided.
  3. Valid Email Address: You will need a valid email address to receive communication regarding your Vietnam e-visa application. Ensure that you have access to this email address throughout the application process.
  4. Valid Credit/Debit Card: Prepare a valid credit or debit card for online payment. The application fee for a Vietnam e-visa is payable online, and having a card on hand will facilitate a smooth transaction.
  5. Temporary Address in Vietnam: Provide a temporary address within Vietnam, such as the hotel or accommodation where you plan to stay during your visit. This information is necessary for the visa application.
  6. Purpose of Visit and Entry/Exit Dates: Clearly state the purpose of your visit to Vietnam, whether it’s for tourism, business, or other reasons. Additionally, provide the planned entry and exit dates, as well as the intended entry and exit points or airports in Vietnam.
  7. Occupation Information: Include your current occupation, along with the name, address, and phone number of your company. This information helps establish your ties to your home country and demonstrates your intent to return after your visit to Vietnam.

How to Apply for a Vietnam E-Visa as a Guinée Citizen

Now that you have all the necessary information and documents prepared, follow these simple steps to apply for your Vietnam e-visa:

  1. Visit the Official Government Website: To begin the application process, go to the official website of the Vietnamese government that handles e-visa applications. You can easily find this website through a search engine.
  2. Select “Apply for E-Visa”: Once on the official website, locate the option to apply for an e-visa. Click on it to proceed to the application form.
  3. Fill in the Application Form: Fill in the required information accurately and completely. Provide the personal details, passport information, purpose of visit, and other requested information. Double-check everything before moving on to the next step.
  4. Upload Supporting Documents: Upload scanned copies of the necessary supporting documents, such as your passport bio page and a passport-sized photograph. Ensure that the scanned copies are clear and legible.
  5. Pay the Application Fee: Proceed to the payment section and use your valid credit or debit card to pay the application fee. The fee varies depending on the duration of the e-visa, so choose the option that suits your travel plans.
  6. Submit the Application: After completing the payment, review your application one last time for accuracy. Once you are satisfied, submit your application.
  7. Receive the E-Visa Approval Letter: You will receive an email notification regarding the status of your application. If approved, you will receive an e-visa approval letter attached to the email. Print this letter as you’ll need it for the immigration process upon arrival in Vietnam.
  8. Enter Vietnam with Your E-Visa: Upon arrival at your designated entry point in Vietnam, present your e-visa approval letter, along with your passport, to the immigration officers. They will verify your documents and stamp your passport with the e-visa, allowing you entry into the country.

What do Guinée citizens need to upload for the Vietnam e-visa application?

When applying for a Vietnam e-visa, Guinée citizens are required to upload two essential documents:

  1. A scanned copy of the passport data page: The passport data page contains crucial information such as the passport holder’s personal details, photo, and ICAO lines.
  2. A recent portrait photo: Guinée citizens need to upload a recent passport-sized photo measuring 4x6cm.

Requirements for the scanned copy of the passport data page

When uploading the scanned copy of the passport data page, Guinée citizens must ensure that the document meets the following requirements:

  1. Full page scan: The copy should include the entire page, capturing all personal details, the passport holder’s photo, and the ICAO lines.
  2. Clear and legible: The scanned copy should be of high quality, ensuring that all information is clearly visible and readable.
  3. No alterations or obstructions: The document should not be altered or obstructed in any way, ensuring that all information remains intact.

By adhering to these requirements, Guinée citizens can ensure that their e-visa application process goes smoothly.

Portrait photo requirements

When uploading the portrait photo, Guinée citizens must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Recent photo: The photo should be a recent one, capturing the applicant’s current appearance.
  2. Size and dimensions: The photo should be passport-sized, measuring 4x6cm.
  3. Straight look and neutral expression: The applicant should look directly at the camera with a neutral expression, ensuring a clear and professional appearance.
  4. No glasses: Glasses should not be worn in the photo, as they can obstruct the applicant’s face.

By following these requirements, Guinée citizens can ensure that their portrait photo meets the necessary criteria for the Vietnam e-visa application.

How to check the e-visa status

Once the e-visa application has been submitted, Guinée citizens can easily check the status of their application by following these simple steps:

  1. Visit the official Vietnam e-visa website: Go to the official website dedicated to the Vietnam e-visa application process.
  2. Access the e-visa status check section: Look for the “Check Status” or “Track Application” section on the website.
  3. Enter the required information: Provide the necessary details, including the application ID or reference number, passport number, and date of birth.
  4. Submit the information: After entering the required information accurately, click on the “Submit” button.
  5. Check the e-visa status: The website will display the current status of the e-visa application, indicating whether it is still in process or has been approved.
  6. Download or print the e-visa: If the application has been approved, Guinée citizens can download or print their e-visa for future reference and travel purposes.

By following these steps, Guinée citizens can easily stay updated on the status of their Vietnam e-visa application.

Increasing the Success Rate of E-Visa Applications

To increase the chances of your e-visa application being approved, here are some tips specifically tailored for Guinée citizens:

  1. Complete the application accurately: Ensure that all information provided in the application form is correct and matches your travel documents. Any discrepancies could lead to rejection.
  2. Submit the required documents: Follow the guidelines provided by the Vietnamese government for document submission. Make sure to include all necessary documents, such as a valid passport, a clear passport-sized photo, and any additional supporting documents required for your specific purpose of visit.
  3. Double-check your passport validity: Ensure that your passport has a validity of at least six months from your planned date of entry into Vietnam. An expired passport will result in the rejection of your e-visa application.
  4. Provide a detailed travel itinerary: Clearly outline your intended places of visit, accommodation details, and return flight information. This demonstrates to the authorities that you have a well-planned trip and are less likely to overstay your visa.
  5. Pay attention to the photo specifications: Follow the guidelines provided by the Vietnamese government regarding photo specifications. Your photo should meet the required dimensions, be recently taken, and have a plain background.

By adhering to these tips, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful e-visa application.

Hassle-Free E-Visa Approval for Guinée Citizens

For those who want a hassle-free experience and guaranteed e-visa approval, hiring an agency is an excellent option. Agencies in Vietnam have extensive knowledge of the local rules and regulations, ensuring that your application is prepared and submitted correctly. They provide the following benefits:

  1. Simple form and easy document upload: Agencies streamline the application process, making it user-friendly and easy to navigate. They help you fill out the form accurately and guide you through the document submission process.
  2. Friendly support: Agencies have dedicated support teams that are readily available to assist you throughout the application process. They can answer any questions or concerns you may have, providing peace of mind.
  3. Hassle-free experience: By entrusting your e-visa application to an agency, you can save time and effort. Agencies handle the entire process on your behalf, ensuring that all requirements are met and increasing the chances of approval.
  4. High success rate: Agencies boast a remarkable 99.9% success rate in obtaining e-visas for their customers. This track record of success gives you confidence that your application is in capable hands.

Obtaining an Urgent Visa to Vietnam for Guinée Citizens

If you find yourself in need of an urgent visa to Vietnam, agencies can also assist in expediting the process. They offer the following options:

  • Same-day visa: If you require your visa on the same day, agencies can expedite the processing and have your e-visa ready within a few hours.
  • 4-hour visa: For less urgent situations, agencies can process your visa within four hours, ensuring you receive it promptly.
  • 2-hour visa: In extremely time-sensitive cases, agencies can expedite the process even further, providing you with your e-visa within two hours.

By availing these urgent visa services, Guinée citizens can travel to Vietnam without worrying about the time constraints.

What to do after receiving e-visa approval

Congratulations! You have successfully obtained your Vietnam e-visa approval. To ensure a hassle-free journey, here is a checklist of what you need to do before your departure:

  1. Double-check your e-visa: Carefully review your e-visa to ensure that all the information is correct. Any errors or mistakes could lead to complications upon arrival. If you spot any discrepancies, contact the relevant authorities immediately to rectify the issue.
  2. Print a copy of your e-visa: It is mandatory to have a physical copy of your e-visa with you when you arrive in Vietnam. Make sure to print a clear and legible copy to present to the immigration officers at the port of entry. We recommend keeping an extra copy as a backup.
  3. Prepare supporting documents: Along with your e-visa, it is advisable to carry additional supporting documents such as your passport, travel itinerary, hotel reservations, and proof of sufficient funds. These documents may be requested during the immigration process, so having them readily available will help streamline your entry into Vietnam.
  4. Familiarize yourself with entry requirements: Before traveling, it’s crucial to be aware of the entry requirements for Vietnam. Make sure you have a valid passport with at least six months of validity remaining, a return or onward ticket, and sufficient funds to cover your stay. Failure to meet these requirements may result in denial of entry.
  5. Learn about local customs and culture: Vietnam has a rich cultural heritage, and it’s always beneficial to familiarize yourself with the local customs and traditions. Respecting local norms will not only enhance your travel experience but also ensure a harmonious interaction with the locals.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience with your Vietnam e-visa.


Obtaining an e-visa for Guinée citizens planning to visit Vietnam can be a straightforward process if approached correctly. By following the tips mentioned above and considering the services of an agency, you can increase your chances of a successful e-visa application and enjoy a hassle-free experience. Whether you need a regular or urgent visa, agencies in Vietnam are equipped to provide the necessary support, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. So, plan your trip to Vietnam with confidence and embark on an unforgettable journey.