February 21, 2021
Covid 19

List of COVID-19 Testing locations in Nam Dinh

Here’s below the location in Nam Dinh for COVID-19 Testing. The following COVID-19 Testing locations are officially pointed by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.

Trung tâm kiểm soát bệnh tật tỉnh Nam Định (Nam Dinh CDC)

  • Address : đường Phù Nghĩa – Tp Nam Định
  • Phone : 02283636673
  • Fax: 02283636673
  • Email: ttksbttnd@gmail.com
  • Website : http://namdinhcdc.com
  • Map : https://goo.gl/maps/nXYLANp5SLpgDKRKA

Full List of COVID-19 Testing locations in Vietnam Pointed by Ministry of Health

TAGS Nam Dinh

What are the Address of the Immigration Office in Nam Dinh city ? Address, Phone, Map, Website & Working time, please find below : Nam Dinh Immigration Office Address : 117 Hoang Hoa Tham street, Nam Dinh City. Phone : 0692741272 | Fax: 0350.