Backpackers usually enter Vietnam by bus, and there are several land border crossings where border gate accept for Vietnam e-visa is available. The following is a list of sixteen land border crossings in the country for those traveling by bus.
Vietnam has a couple of border locations that you can cross to come into the country. So, basically, there are three kinds of border crossings here: sea, air, and land.
To reach Hekou, you can travel by train or bus. Travelling by train help you admire some of the countryside.
It is not common to cross the China border to reach Vietnam. However, it is not difficult to cross the China border to enter Vietnam.
Between Cambodia and Vietnam, there are many border crossings. If you want to visit Vietnam, you have to cross any of these borders listed below.
With the e-visa option, you can apply for a Vietnam e-visa, and check-in Vietnam via three options (via air, land, and sea). Among that, the most common way to cross the Vietnam and Cambodia border via bus and flight.