Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in New Caledonia 🇳🇨? Until now, there is no Vietnam Embassy or Consulate located in New Caledonia so please contact to the Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in any other country that is nearest and most convenient for you to apply for your visa to Vietnam. We should be grateful

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Nicaragua 🇳🇮? In Nicaragua, we have found no information about the Vietnam embassy as well as Vietnam consulate until this moment. Please find other Vietnam embassy/ consulate in any country where you find nearest for you to contact.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Niger 🇳🇪? As there is no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Niger, you are suggested to come in person or contact by mail/telephone to other countries where Vietnam embassies/consulates are located. We always work day and night to update information to our website, so, as soon

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Niue 🇳🇺? We are sorry to inform you that you cannot get your Vietnam visa from the Vietnam embassy/consulate in Niue since there is no Vietnam representative office of the Vietnam government in this country. You can come in person or contact by mail to any Vietnam

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Norfolk 🇳🇫? Up to this time, there has been no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam consulate in Norfolk Island. Please contact to the nearest country where a Vietnam embassy/consulate is located.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Oman 🇴🇲? In Oman, there is currently no Vietnam Consulate or Vietnam Embassy. So, if you want to apply for your visa from a Vietnam representative office of the Vietnam government, please check other countries where Vietnam embassies or consulates are located.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Mayotte 🇾🇹? Unfortunately, there has been no Vietnam embassy or Consulate opened in Mayotte so far. Please check your neighboring countries to find the nearest Vietnam Embassy/Consulate to contact.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Micronesia 🇫🇲? As there is no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Micronesia, you are suggested to come in person or contact by mail/telephone to other countries where Vietnam embassies/consulates are located. We work day and night to update information to our website, so, as soon as

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Moldova 🇲🇩? We regret to announce that you cannot apply for your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam embassy/consulate in Moldova because there is no Vietnam representative office of the Vietnam government in this country at the present. We always try our best to give you up-to-the-minute

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Montenegro 🇲🇪? Please be kindly informed that there has been no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Montenegro so far. You can come in person or contact by mail to any Vietnam Embassy/Consulate that is nearest and most convenient for you.

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